Life-changing care 24/7

1. Personalized Care Plans:

  • Description: Offer customized care plans based on individual needs and preferences, including resources, expert advice, and support groups specific to the type of care provided (e.g., dementia, palliative, post-operative).
  • Value: Provides a roadmap for caregivers, reducing overwhelm and ensuring comprehensive care.

2. Caregiver Matching Service:

  • Description: Connect caregivers with qualified and vetted professionals based on specific criteria (location, experience, expertise, availability).
  • Value: Streamlines the process of finding the right caregiver, saving time and providing peace of mind.

3. Respite Care Coordination:

  • Description:  Arrange temporary relief for caregivers, whether it's for a few hours, a day, or longer. Partner with respite care providers to offer flexible and affordable options.
  • Value:  Gives caregivers much-needed breaks, preventing burnout and ensuring their own well-being.

4. Virtual Support Groups:

  • Description: Facilitate online support groups for caregivers to connect, share experiences, and receive emotional support from peers facing similar challenges.
  • Value: Offers a safe space for caregivers to feel understood, validated, and less alone.

5. Educational Webinars and Workshops:

  • Description: Host regular webinars and workshops on various caregiving topics, featuring experts in fields like dementia care, palliative care, nutrition, legal/financial planning, and more.
  • Value:  Empowers caregivers with knowledge and skills to provide better care for their loved ones.

6. Caregiver Concierge Service:

  • Description: Offer assistance with tasks like scheduling appointments, researching care options, organizing transportation, and navigating insurance claims.
  • Value:  Reduces the administrative burden on caregivers, freeing up time and energy for other priorities.

7. Emergency Backup Care:

  • Description: Provide access to a network of on-call caregivers for last-minute or unexpected needs.
  • Value: Offers peace of mind knowing that help is available when needed, even in emergencies.

Bonus Service:

  • Caregiver Retreats: Organize weekend retreats or day trips for caregivers to relax, recharge, and connect with others in a supportive environment.

By offering these services, can become a one-stop shop for all caregiving needs, providing comprehensive support and resources to make the caregiving journey easier and more fulfilling.

Our services

Dementia Care

Caring for someone with dementia is a journey filled with unique challenges and rewards. At, we're here to walk beside you every step of the way. Discover resources, expert advice, and heartwarming stories from fellow caregivers navigating the complexities of dementia care. We understand the emotional, physical, and mental demands, and we're committed to providing the support and community you need to find strength, resilience, and moments of joy in your caregiving journey.

Palliative Care

Navigating palliative care can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to do it alone. At, we offer compassionate support and guidance as you prioritize comfort and quality of life for your loved one. Explore resources to help you understand palliative care options, connect with experts, and find solace in the stories of other caregivers facing similar journeys. Together, we can create a space of peace, dignity, and meaningful connection during this important time.


Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in regaining strength, mobility, and independence for your loved one. At, we're here to support you as you explore the benefits of physiotherapy and integrate it into your caregiving routine. Discover helpful resources, connect with experienced physiotherapists, and learn how to create an environment that encourages healing and progress. Together, we can celebrate the victories, both big and small, as your loved one makes strides towards a more active and fulfilling life.


Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping can be a daunting task for any caregiver, but it's a crucial part of ensuring your loved one's health and well-being. At, we understand the unique challenges you face and offer practical solutions to simplify this essential task. Our resources provide tips for meal planning with specific dietary needs in mind, creating efficient shopping lists, and navigating the grocery store with ease. We even connect you with personal shoppers who can handle the entire process for you, allowing you to focus on other aspects of caregiving. Let us help you make grocery shopping a breeze, so you can spend more time enjoying moments with your loved one.

Medical Management

Managing the medical needs of your loved one can be a complex and overwhelming task. At, we understand the importance of effective medical management and offer a range of resources and services to support you every step of the way.

  • Medication Management:  Learn best practices for organizing medications, setting reminders, and communicating with healthcare providers about prescriptions. We can also connect you with medication management services if needed.


Transportation can be a major challenge for caregivers and their loved ones, especially for those with limited mobility or health concerns. At, we understand the importance of reliable and accessible transportation options. We offer resources to help you find transportation services tailored to your loved one's needs, whether it's for medical appointments, social outings, or everyday errands. We also provide information on navigating public transportation options and tips for safe and comfortable travel. Let us help you ensure your loved one gets where they need to go, safely and with ease.

Same/next-day  appointments

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We take care of everything

6 convenient locations Illinois

We are here. 24/7

What our clients say has been a lifeline for me.  I felt so isolated before finding this community. Now, I have a place to share my experiences, ask questions, and receive support from people who truly understand what I'm going through. It's made all the difference." – Sarah M., Caring for her mother with Alzheimer's

Mary-Jane White

Patient's Daughter 

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humor, or randomized words which don't look even slightly believable. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. 

Jonathan Makenzie
